
Jovana Trifunović

Tipping Point. video editor

Belgrade, Berlin, Belgrade, Vienna, Venice, Vienna, Belgrade, Vienna – Jovana has certainly moved around a lot! However, this has only added to her experience and had a significant impact on her professional development – skills that this communications expert honed even more after joining ERSTE Foundation in 2008. Before joining the team, Jovana worked at the OSCE Mission to Serbia to support democratic reform. Together with Maribel, Gerald and Mira, she runs this magazine and always keeps her cool.

Published articles

“Democracy is hard work.”

Talk Europe! with Erik Jones

“Lobbying can be a powerful tool for social change.”

Talk Europe! with Alberto Alemanno

“Witnessing war to learn for peace.”

Talk Europe! with Damir Sagolj

“Proletarians of all countries, who washes your socks?”

Talk Europe! with Bojana Pejić

“Time to rethink growth”

Talk Europe! with Kirsten Dunlop

“It’s elites who turn against democracy, not the people.”

Talk Europe! with Jan-Werner Müller

“Justice cannot wait.”

Talk Europe! with Oleksandra Matviichuk

“Art encircles life.”

Talk Europe! with Šejla Kamerić

“Together for Ukraine: Unity is our strength and opportunity.”

Talk Europe! with Nathalie Tocci

“Daydreaming EU enlargement in the Western Balkans.”

Talk Europe! with Nikola Dimitrov

“Every journalist in Ukraine is now a war reporter.”

Talk Europe! with Olga Tokariuk

“Inter-resilience is essential to fight climate change.”

Talk Europe! with Olivia Lazard

“No change through trade”

Talk Europe! with Janka Oertel

“United in support for Ukraine.”

Talk Europe! with Wojciech Przybylski

“From crisis to opportunity”

A Talk Europe! special edition

“Every foundation should care about climate.”

Talk Europe! with Delphine Moralis

“The Green Deal mustn’t be sold on the element of fear.”

The Call with Judy Dempsey

“For a moral commitment to factuality”

The Call with Timothy Snyder

“Migration is evolution.”

The Call with Kilian Kleinschmidt

“Cut all the money!”

The Call with Gerald Knaus

“The revenge of the wild on humanity”

The Call with Rosa Balfour

“Authoritarian leaders do not benefit from the corona crisis.”

The Call with Ivan Krastev

Hungary’s pandemic power grab: what happens now?

The Call with Peter Krekó

“Europe can lead the way to climate neutrality.”

Talk Europe! with Charlotte Ruhe

“We can shape the world together.”

Talk Europe! with Felwine Sarr

“Philanthropy in the digital age”

Talk Europe! with Lucy Bernholz

“It’s time for a values-driven tech governance.”

Talk Europe! with Marietje Schaake

“Compliance by design”

Talk Europe! with Mona Caroline Chammas

“Facing populism”

Talk Europe! with Joanna Mytkowska

“Politics is not made on squares.”

Talk Europe! with Vasyl Cherepanyn

“The paradox of the Brexit vote”

Talk Europe! with Luke Cooper

“Your vote matters!”

A Talk Europe! special edition

“Defeating populists in elections is the only viable way.”

Talk Europe! with Francis Fukuyama

“Free internet and free society are compromised.”

Talk Europe! with Vuk Ćosić

“Europe needs to stand up to Russia.”

Talk Europe! with Karl Schlögel

“Europe is becoming balkanised.”

Talk Europe! with Tim Judah

“Treat history with care and respect!”

Talk Europe! with Margaret MacMillan

“Non-violent resistance works!”

Talk Europe! with Judith Butler

“Fighters against democracy are not always humans.“

Talk Europe! with Péter Krekó

The top three threats to the EU

Talk Europe! with Mark Leonard

“Poland on a collision course with the EU”

Talk Europe! with Piotr Buras

“We need a common European migration policy.”

Talk Europe! with Gerald Knaus

For unity within the Catalan society

Talk Europe! with Carmen Claudín