“What’s important now is networking.”

Ruth Simsa about how she sees the current situation of NGOs in Austria.

Ruth Simsa is one of few scientific experts when it comes to the civil society in Austria. She is an NGO researcher at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and has conducted a number of research projects on the legal and social framework and the impact of civil society. In this conversation she told Christine Tragler how she sees the current situation for NGOs in Austria.

NGOs are under pressure worldwide. What has got worse in Austria?

First of all, the language has changed. Politically oriented NGOs in particular are being denigrated. The common public interest plays a minor role on the government’s agenda. There are reasons to fear that overall conditions for NGOs will deteriorate, while the need for the social services provided by NGOs will increase, as a result of a policy that aggravates social inequality.

What are the social functions of NGOs in Austria?

They strengthen social diversity, participation and innovation. They have an impact on a society’s political climate, as they embody social values such as solidarity and responsibility and thus work against an ideology that rather promotes self-interest and the survival of the fittest.

NGOs often serve as early warning mechanisms. They point out topics and problems that are otherwise often disregarded. NGOs and the social services they offer are of huge significance in many people’s daily lives.

Ruth Simsa

Ruth Simsa is assistant professor at the Institute for Sociology and Social Research, head of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Nonprofit Research and scientific director of the Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship, all at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

What political framework is necessary to support NGOs?

A well-developed welfare state is an important requirement for social sector organisations in particular. Moreover, NGOs need freedom of expression and legal security to be able to work properly.

Why is a strong civil society particularly high in demand now?

A strong civil society can counterbalance authoritarian developments. It can initiate changes and boost social trust. Civil society can adopt a low-threshold and flexible approach when fulfilling tasks. It often fills the gaps left by state-run services.

How should a democratic state deal with its critics?

There’s a wonderful quote by Winston Churchill: “Protect the rebel.” A democratic state should protect its critics and if necessary also finance them – this fosters diversity, openness and societal learning.

What advice would you give to NGOs in view of the current developments?

What’s important now is networking. People must speak with a common, strong voice when making crucial claims. Smaller, more political NGOs now need the support of larger groups. Also, they must not abandon advocacy, that is dialogue with decision-makers and opinion-formers, because an important function of civil society would otherwise be lost.

Original in German. First published at the Südwind Magazin 2/2018 and on suedwind-magazin.at.
Translated into English by Barbara Maya.

This text is protected by copyright: © Christina Tragler. If you are interested in republication, please contact the editorial team.
Copyright information on pictures, graphics and videos are noted directly at the illustrations. Info box: Ruth Simsa. Photo: © Michael Schmid. Cover picture: Participants of the Social Innovation and Management Programme of the ERSTE Foundation NGO Academy during during a workshop at the WU Vienna. Photo: © Igor Ripak/ERSTE Foundation.

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