
Peter Vandor

Senior Researcher and Manager of the Social Entrepreneurship Center WU Vienna

Peter Van­dor is senior re­searcher and man­ager of the Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship at WU Vienna, the Vi­enna Uni­versity of Eco­nom­ics and Busi­ness. In his pos­i­tion, he has been lead­ing 50+ col­lab­or­a­tion pro­jects with or­gan­isa­tions such as ER­STE Found­a­tion, CERN, UNDP and the Ro­land Ber­ger Found­a­tion. His re­search fo­cuses on so­cial en­tre­pren­eur­ship, migrant en­tre­pren­eur­ship and in­nov­a­tion and has been pub­lished in the Journal of Busi­ness Ven­tur­ing and Har­vard Busi­ness Re­view.

Peter is founder and aca­demic dir­ector of the So­cial Im­pact Award, a ca­pa­city build­ing pro­gram for young so­cial en­tre­pren­eurs in 15+ coun­tries and ini­ti­ated the first aca­demic and award-win­ning course on so­cial en­tre­pren­eur­ship in Aus­tria. Peter was nom­in­ated as Global Shaper by the World Eco­nomic Forum in 2012 and as SCAN­COR Vis­it­ing Scholar to Stan­ford Uni­versity in 2017.

Photo: © Jürgen Angel / WU Vienna

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