Limit the power of money!

Andreas Treichl in conversation with Andreas Schnauder at the Vienna Humanities Festival 2018

Do inequalities affect societies? Should the rich pay significantly more taxes than the poor? Should opportunities for tax avoidance be eliminated? Should we limit the power of money in general and its potential influence on politics? Naturally, we would not expect those who already are in power to come up with positive solutions. But there are notable exceptions.

The CEO of Erste Group, Andreas Treichl, takes a clear position regarding the alternatives we are currently facing. In conversation with journalist Andreas Schnauder (Der Standard) he outlines his vision. Watch the full debate in German language:


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Cover picture: On 14 May 2016, a seven tons heavy poster covering 8,000 square meters was laid out on the streets of Geneva by hundreds of volunteers. The initiative took place in preparation for the ballot on the creation of an unconditional basic income in Switzerland. Photo: © Magali Girardin / Keystone /

Vienna Humanities Festival

The Vienna Humanities Festival, organised by the IWM, Wien Museum and Time to Talk, is a series of around 40 Events (in German and English) which took place from 27 till 30 September 2018 for the third time at the Wien Museum, TU Wien, Evangelische Volksschule and Stadtkino.

The topic of 2018 “Power and Powerlessness” focused on the vulnerability of democracies in Europe in light of historical events embedding them in the context of contemporary socio-political developments.

“Democracy is hard work.”

“Lobbying can be a powerful tool for social change.”

“Witnessing war to learn for peace.”

“Proletarians of all countries, who washes your socks?”

“Democracy is hard work.”

“Lobbying can be a powerful tool for social change.”

“Witnessing war to learn for peace.”

“Time to rethink growth”

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