Tipping Point.

Debates on Europe’s hottest issues

Yes, you’re at the right place, even though some things look a little different from what you’re used to. ERSTE Foundation’s online magazine has a fresh layout, a new web address and a new name.

Since 2017 we have been publishing articles at www.erstestiftung.org that deal with the state of societies in Central and Eastern Europe, their social cohesion and their visions of contemporary culture. We have analysed past and present crises and paid particular attention to the future opportunities facing Europe, the continent that is closest to our hearts and that has evolved in many areas, although not always in the same direction.

Once again, we have created far more space at the usual address for information on ERSTE Foundation’s activities. If you are looking for information on ERSTE Foundation – who we are, what we do, and why – you will find it at www.erstestiftung.org.

The magazine is getting adequate space now too. It has its own address and its own name: Tipping Point. You’re already reading it. But you can find more stories and reports at www.tippingpoint.net.

Tipping Point is an online magazine by ERSTE Foundation that reports from and about Central and Eastern Europe.

Why did we decide to separate them? Our magazine has grown and matured during the last five years. It has developed its own identity, and it deserves to take its own course with greater visibility in future, independently of ERSTE Foundation’s core content. 271 journalistic pieces appeared in the magazine in English and in German between April 2017 and June 2021. 40 of those were exclusive videos. 160 authors, many of whom are from Eastern Europe, have offered us their best work or written exclusively for us. We met some of them through projects that ERSTE Foundation funded. We’ve made a point of bringing their expertise to a wider audience.

We’ve also been interested in translations – in the literal sense. We’ve made articles that were only published in an Eastern European language, or only in English or German, available to readers who speak English and German. To the editors of the renowned publications where those articles originally appeared, we’d like to say thank you again for trusting us and making your extraordinary stories available to us. All this has enabled our community of interested readers to grow across borders far and wide in recent years. .

If you’re interested in learning why the magazine is now called Tipping Point, continue reading here.

Tipping Point’s editorial team

Maribel Königer, editor in chief
Gerald Radinger, deputy editor in chief and managing editor
Jovana Trifunović, video editor
Olena Levitina, editor and social media editor

Tipping Point. authors
Media we cooperate with

Original in German.
Translated into English by Barbara Maya.

This text is protected by copyright: © Maribel Königer / tippingpoint.net. Copyright information on pictures, graphics and videos are noted directly at the illustrations. Cover picture: A wire fence along the border between Serbia and Hungary is seen by the border point between Serbia, Hungary and Romania, near the village of Rabe, Serbia, Thursday, 22 July 2021. Majdan has been one of the hubs along Serbia’s EU borders where migrants remain stranded, often for months, while making dozens of attempts to cross and move on toward Western Europe. Since Hungary’s border with Serbia is fenced up to prevent crossings, migrants in Majdan go toward Romania first and then Hungary from there. Photo: Darko Vojinovic / AP / picturedesk.com

How did this magazine get its name?

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